All her dreams are made of strawberry lemonade . . .

this is halloween.. this is halloween..

You all know damn well it's my favourite time of year.. : ))
So.. in honour of the upcoming holiday.. here are two of my favourite edited photos of me from the Fix My Pic group on flickr. Seriously.. hahaha can it get more awesome than this?? i think NOT! : ))) --- i did not edit these. i just took the original shots.

ME! as a Zombie!! *mua ha ha ha* it's ridiculously creepy and insane. i love it soo much!!!!! RAWR!!!


(thank you escaner!)

and me as some wicked awsesome vampire of sorts? i have no idea.. but it's freakish.. and it looks so amazing at the same time. seriously. :))


(thank you CadenceStarr!)

K, that's about it. Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week and get yer costumes ready! w00t w00t! :))))))


Anonymous said...

The first one is bloody terrifying.

The second one is cool.

Giusi. said...

haha i love the first one!!

and the second too.
they're both really kooL in their own way.
: )))

p.s. happppy birthday mister. :)) <3

Phil said...

They are awesome. Nice work there.

Anonymous said...

I'm just used to seeing you beautiful and glamorous ; )

Thanks, G <3333