All her dreams are made of strawberry lemonade . . .

Laziness sets in...

So, now that school's done, I'm supposed to be frantically searching for a summer job and kicking it into high gear to get myself a summer job. That doesn't seem to be happening. In fact.. I kinda just wanna sit back and sleep it off for a few days. Is that so horrible? Sure, everyone will tell me it's ok to relax a bit now that school's over and done with. But I assure you that my financial situation shall suffer greatly as a result of this.

In fact.. I've decided to keep partying to a minimum and I'm actually not going out at all this week.. except for the weekend (birthday plans and such...). With all this free time and no extra work, I'll be very easily swayed into spending more than I'm making. Then.. bye bye tuition money.

Being overstuffed from Easter doesn't help much. But I have to say, this family function went a lot smoother than usual and I had a great time. No fights or scuffles. NO SOUR MOODS. Can you believe that? None! Everyone had a great time and it was just overall fantastic. Plus, everyone was able to be included... (basically, my sister was allowed to bring her partner with her. Talk about making record breaking history!!) SO, it went fantastic and I'm very pleased with it. I've decided that I really like my sister's gf and that she'll fit in just fine. : )))
*cue applaud and tear jerking sappy music.*

Bahaha.. if you know my family.. and how extremely opinionated and ..ermm.. "eventful" we can be, then you would know that this is a really good thing indeed. Also, thanks Carro for the most amazing dinner. Your lasagna was SOOO good. And my tummy hates you for all the delicious food you made!! : ))

So... I'm gunna carry on and be a lazy sloth and maybe take a nap.. or maybe not. Or maybe watch a movie. Or maybe I'll sit here more.. or maybe take a walk in this WONDERFUL WINTER WONDERLAND we've been having. Seriously.. what the hell is up with this insanely arctic weather we've been having as of late? Snow on Easter is just what everyone wants.. isn't it? It's to make up for the lack of White Christmas I guess...... i guess!. pshaw. i hate cold.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday. :)
much love: