All her dreams are made of strawberry lemonade . . .

Mexican and Rock & Roll

Happy hump day.

It's been so grey and dingy lately that it's kinda put me in a bit of a downer.
No one likes a dreary day.

The Olympics are coming to a close this Friday. Go Team Canada!

What better way to celebrate than to go out for Mexican and a little Rock & Roll this weekend. Hopefully, that will lift my spirits up a bit. Either that.. or the nachos and beers. ;)

On that note, I'll finish off and head out to face this ugly outside. Holla!

To add:

~ Weekend was amazingness. 55 Special all the way.. The first rule of 55 Special, don't talk about 55 Special. The second rule of 55 Special, don't make eye contact.

~ Been feeling quite nostalgic with music as of late. I highly recommend pulling out your old Garbage Version 2.0 CD. God.. I forgot how fabulous it is. They are so amazing.

~ Imogen Heap is brilliant.

~ My 365 project is one week away from being completed. Hooray?

~ BRMC's new album soon! March 9th. Excitement overload! That and Alkaline Trio. I'm in heaven.

~ my new boots. i want to hump them. what a great find.. and great price! and exactly how i wanted them to look.

Garbage on my mp3 player.. i'm so ready to face the day.
Ciao ciao.
~G .xoxo.

We're closed to the Earth 'til further notice.

Where do we go from here?
How do we carry on?
I can't get beyond the questions.
Clambering for the scraps
In the shatter of us collapsed.
That cuts me with every could-have-been.

Pain on pain on play, repeating
With the backup makeshift life in waiting.

Everybody says: "Time heals everything."
But what of the wretched hollow?
The endless in-between?
Are we just going to wait it out?

And sit here cold?
We'll be long gone by then.
And lackluster in dust we lay
'round old magazines.
Fluorescent lighting sets the scene
For all we could and should be being
In the one life that we've got.


Forty days until Easter. Sans chocolate. No Mini Eggs...?
Be Warned: This will get ugly fast kids...

On a more serious note, this time for me is important as a time for personal reflection.
A time for renewal.. and rebirth. Not just for fasting, prayer and charity. Time for new changes.. from within as well as from on the outside.

13 more days until my 365 project ends.
And then what?
But I'm happy because I'm finally getting to the foto ideas I've wanted to try out from the start and have always put off. For instance.. I've finally submitted a Bench Monday shot this week. (Only Flickr peeps will know what that means.. so, I'm not even going to explain because it won't make any sense to anyone else.) It's not as good as I wanted it to be.. but I'm still happy with it.

This is the original foto idea I *was* going to go with... but I didn't think it was whimsical enough for me.. and what I was trying to get at. So, I ditched the harsh boots.. and went with white ballet slippers and tulle skirts instead.

But... I would like to add that I was contacted through Flickr by someone at the Northampton Museum in the UK where they will be having an exhibit about Dr Martens boots and they requested to use that foto! With full credit to me of course.. That's exciting! In addition to using that foto, they will also be using this foto in their exhibit:

I'm kinda excited that my fotos are being asked to be used in various different things. I didn't think for once that my fotos were really that artsy... or good enough. So.. in a way, as sad as I will be about my 365 project coming to a close.. I'm a little happy that I will be able to focus my foto taking skills on other projects in the future. Stay tuned!

I'm off for the night.
Buona notte.
much love,
~G .xoxo.

But I want more...

P!NK was on Oprah. She's so completely amazing. And she sang my favourite song off her newest album. Hearing her talk about the song was kinda funny.... i think that's just a general virgoan trait to be so critisizing and hold such high expectations from the other person.. that you're scrutizing them SO so much... that you completely disregard your own self and the weaknesses and faults we hold by ourselves. All I can say is.. in the past year.. my eyes have been opened a great deal and like she states in her interview about the song.. it was, indeed.. a very humbling experience. I'm glad at least it turned out well in her story.

I love P!NK. I think she's an extraordinary artist and individual and definitely someone I would say is a great and powerful role model for young girls today. I look forward to all the new music she has to bring to the table.

main interview

P!NK talks about the song "I Don't Believe You"

Live acoustic of "I Don't Believe You"

It's a snow day today. So, drive safe people.. and bundle up!!
much love:
~G .xoxo.

Things are looking up... Oh, finally.

I made this big dinner for my family on Friday cuz it was my parent's 38th anniversary... It was yumm.. but I wasn't impressed by it to be honest.. haha Yah, I know.. but it wasn't planned out and I decided on a whim what I was making. My initial plan was to just cook dinner for my parents... and I had to change the meal last minute because others were coming who wouldn't eat it and neither would me and my sister since we do not eat meat.. so, it made no sense to make this dish for 2-3 people out of 7 people. So, with the menu changing last minute.. I didn't have much time to think it through.. and I didn't put much effort into it. But I can't complain. I loved my garlic grilled zucchini and salad the most. My sister's rice is amazing too. There was lots left over. .. and it's all mine!

BUT............... to be honest.. the highlight of my dinner arrangements was the cake the I baked.. which I stayed up until 1:00am the previous night to bake. AND.... the worst part is.. that I made SO much food (penne arrabiata for firsts, balsamic & rosemary chicken for seconds, grilled zucchini, roasted potatoes, steamed beans, mixed green salad as well as the rice dish that my sister brought).. that my parents were TOO stuffed to eat my cake! I was SOOO sad. Really. I was. haha. I know.. lame. BUt I was so proud of my cake and couldn't wait to unveil it to the world... err.. family.

Anyways, here are some fotos of my yummy cake. It was a red velvet cake, in case you're wondering what kind it was. But, I'm sure you can tell that when you see the inside of it.. ;D

I actually shaved all that white chocolate on top by hand. It was SUCH a pain in the ass... but so worth it. The cake was so delicious and I made it all from scratch. I've never made a red velvet cake before... but I've always wanted to because they look so amazing!! But I've never eaten one either... so, I have no idea what it's supposed to taste like. So, I hope it was good to others as well.

Yes, this blog was purely to brag about my mad baking skillz, y0. haha Kidding.

Recently, I've been catching up with old friends that I have not seen in a long time and I'm so happy about that. I'm so glad to have gotten a chance to see them and chat. It's been such a long while since I've spoken to them... and I realized how much I missed them and the times I had before.

I have very good feelings right now about life and things in general. I seem to be in a positive mood and place lately... and in high spirits. I'm not sure why... what's causing it.. or how long it will last... but I definitely welcome it with open arms. I've been on a rocky road for far too long and this little bit of calmness with a bit of sunshine is most appreciated. :)

Have a great night people... and HUG frequently!!! ^__^
much love,
~G .xoxo.


I'm sure you all know by now that I'm not a fan of Valentine's day. Well, the concept behind it.. we don't need to go on about how it's this huge commercial holiday where they rake in the money making lovers feel guilty if they don't do something stupendous for each other... (although, i tend to find the pressure is more on the guys than the girls). You all know my take on romance.. and how it should be celebrated always, at random times throughout the year. Although, I must admit i loved this one gift my ex gave me. He once gave me this cd (and a canister of mini eggs!! eee!).. well, the cd was the Retro Romance cd... and i LOOOOOVED that cd so much.. and to my disappointment... i have NO clue whatsoever where the hell that cd is. Which makes me think he either stole borrowed it.. or someone else lifted it.. cuz it's no where to be found in my home. So, i'm kinda peed off about that.

BUT.. moving along here.. i WILL however admit that, for purely selfish reasons.. there is one thing i enjoy about the V-day holiday. I absolutely adore walking down the aisles that are completely adorned in pink and red and white and all sorts of pretty and cute lovely things you don't normally see. Personally.. i think it would be pretty damn awesome.. if they sold Valentine's day awesomeness ALL year long. Just one little corner in the store.. we'll call it the LOve angle. err.. that doesn't sound quite romantic.. hehe well, you get my point.

So, here's what I say to you all. Boycott V-day! If you're with your loved one.. then celebrate on another day.. don't buy eachother flowers! Let me tell you (and there's a flower shop at my work).. they DOUBLE the prices of flowers (or more) around the V-day holiday because they KNOW that suckers are gunna dish out the cash cuz they don't wanna look like a douchebag. If you truly wanna spend some quality time and feel the need to celebrate.. then do something sincere....sans the cash flow. Example: make a home-made card.. cuz it's way cuter and sentimental. Make dinner.. if you can't cook.. order in. Get a cheeze movie.. watch it.. and then have a total make-out session on the couch like highschool stylies. haha seriously. Those are the best times. Not 4 dozen roses that cost you $$$$$$$$$ and some hoity toity restaurant where you can't even pronounce the name...

If you're not with someone.. even BETTER! haha Makes no difference.. cuz it's a day just like any other day. Bake stuff! cuz baking cute stuff is ALWAYS fun. trust me. :)

Either way, celebrate love all year round. Eff the commericalness of V day... and EFF this cold WEATHER!!! yah.. i just added that last one in there cuz I can't stand the frigidness of winter.. carry on now.. :)

So, I'll leave you with all sorts of cute images of pink and loveliness that are a plenty this time of year. Enjoy the weekend everyone!

much love:
~G .xoxo.

Honeybee, you’re killing me.

    It’s hard to stumble in your harmonies
    But just like nicotine and it gets complicated
    You keep on pouring on the gasoline
    And it’s the sweetest feeling, oh it gets me, gets me down

I went into class today partially prepared for an exam. But i goofed on the dates and my exam is actually on Wednesday. Good job. More study time for me. Awesomeness.

Vitamin D. Take it people. Also, I've noticed a lot of people are falling ill in this gawd awful weather we've been having. You should hit a natural food store near you and pick up a vial of oil of oregano. I swear by that stuff (and so do a lot of other people). The taste is pretty intense so, I put it in juice because I can't handle it on its own.. yah... I'm a total wuss. But we already knew that. Five drops a day. You'll feel better in no time. Trust me.

I'm enjoying this facebook-less time I'm having. Now, if only I can get some warm weather in me. That would be perfect. That would be ideal.

First day of February today. I don't have a whole bunch to say but here's my little tidbit of wisdom I'll spout out for you all. Take it.. or don't. Your choice.
-- Don't wait around in the sidelines for the days to begin. If you're waiting and not finding what you want to come out of those days... then you're just wasting away your days. So, I tell you this. Go find some days that give you things that you want in return. Not just empty days of half-arsed looks, comments, maybes and perhaps. Don't entertain novel ideas in your own head of what is really happening. Trust me. There's nothing worse than a one sided story where the other side.... does not even exist.

Happy Monday.
much love:
~G .xoxo.

Honey Bee - Garbage (B-side)