I never pictured every minute without you in it... oh, you left so fast... :`(((

I don't know what a life worth living is anymore....
the random thoughts and total acts of boredom from a hopeless romantic gurL
only in my head... Copyright © 2008 Free Wordpress Themes. Sponsored by Sample ResumeBunk Beds511 tactical Pants. Bloggerized by Girly Blogger
Every single day brings something new. If you worry about when your death will come, you will spend the rest of your days in hiding. Death will strike whenever it does. But until then, you should end each day knowing that you are happy with your life or taking action against something that makes you feel good, or did a good deed for someone, made someone feel special. Knowing that you have touched many means that when it is your time to die, you will have enriched the lives of so many people around you. Each day you will teach and learn. And if you do these two things, you will never have died for nothing.
I'm not worried about my death. trust me.. that's the last of my concerns or worries..
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