All her dreams are made of strawberry lemonade . . .

First Skate & 3 years passed

Me and my sister took the girls for their first skate yesterday at the same arena that we, ourselves, skated at while growing up. It was the cutest thing ever and I am SO thrilled they did so well!! awwwww :))))) my lovelies! Now the skating ritual is passed down to the next generation. It makes me so so happy and pleased. :)))))

I don't like to post pix of them, but I just had to post these because I'm so proud of how well they did and they looked SOOOO damn adorable and sweet. Mind you.. my back is SURE paying it hardcore today.. lol 2 hours bent over the ice is pure hell on your back.. thank GOD for Robaxecet!!!! hehehe :)))) Watch out people.. .here are the next women's Canadian Hockey team members!!!! RAWR!!!! hahahahaha

P.S. I would like to say that today is the 3rd year anniversary of my dear cousin Giacomo's death. There isn't a moment's time when I don't think about you Giacomo. You're always missed... you're one in a million and you're a bright and shining star in my sky forever.

i miss you soooo much :'((((((((((